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Yay, you made it.

Your results:

It sounds like these symptoms are significantly impacting your daily life.

It's important to address these concerns with a healthcare provider. 

Immediate Action for Comprehensive Care:

Considering the intensity of your symptoms, we urge you to book a Menopause Assessment with our experienced team.This step is vital to understanding your health in-depth and crafting a personalized treatment plan.

How it Works:

Consult with Our Expert: Start with a virtual (video) meeting with your healthcare practitioner to explore your symptoms and treatment options.

Personalized Blood Work:  We may arrange specific blood tests to understand your unique hormonal profile.

Your Nurse Practitioner will discuss your treatment optionss with you, offering a tailored treatment plan created just for you.

Customized Treatment Plan: If needed, get a prescription and a bespoke plan focusing on your health needs.

Follow-Up Care: We'll check in after 30 days and again at 3 months to fine-tune your treatment, ensuring the best care. 

You have come this far, take the next step!

Hear What Our Clients Say About Us

It’s been a long road to get here! Countless visits to and talks with my DR and Naturopaths, I couldn’t get help, I had basically given up. But thank goodness, I found you guys! You are remarkably informative and supportive. I immediately felt at ease, thanks to Dr. Joanna’s empathy and the comprehensive answers to my questions. I feel like your entire staff is committed to improving my lifestyle.

Crystal, 50

From the quiz to the intake forms, I felt like this was going to be a different experience. Because, I have what (most providers) deem as a unique situation from a risk perspective, I did not have high hopes. But I now have an informed medical practitioner who has my back and is giving me the tools ( so many tools) to make an informed decision about how to improve these symptoms that have been making me miserable. Thank you so much!

Colleen, 48

What a difference! I was actually listened to. There is so much to learn about perimenopause, there was a lot to take in, I now feel supported and informed on what’s going on, I’ve been on Hormone therapy for just over 3 weeks, I can’t quite believe how calm I feel, I wasn’t expecting that!

Deanna, 47