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How Do I Know If I Am in Perimenopause or Menopause?

How Do I Know If I Am in Perimenopause?

Perimenopause can be perplexing, but understanding it doesn’t have to be.

Our approach combines a review of your history and current symptoms, along with essential blood work, to provide a comprehensive assessment.

Remember, hormone levels can fluctuate significantly, making a simple diagnosis challenging. We focus on a holistic view to understand your unique situation.

Identifying Menopause

Menopause is traditionally marked by 12 consecutive months without a period. However, every woman’s body is unique.

We recommend monitoring your FSH levels and estradiol, alongside noting any physical or emotional changes.

Our approach:

  • 12 Months Without Periods: The classic marker of menopause.
  • Lab Work Insights: Elevated FSH (>35) on two occasions and low estradiol (0–20) provide crucial clues.
  • Track symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and night sweats. Your personal record is a powerful tool in managing menopause.

From Perimenopause to Menopause

Our expert team helps you navigate this transition with clarity.

Key indicators include:

  1. No Periods for 12 Months
  2. Elevated FSH Level (>35 on two separate occasions) with Low Estradiol Level (0–20)
  3. Recognizing Classic Symptoms:
    • Hot Flashes
    • Night Sweats
    • Mood Changes
    • Vaginal Dryness
    • Painful Intercourse
    • Brain Fog
    • Bone Fragility
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Fatigue
    • Irritability
    • Facial Acne
    • Sleep Troubles
    • Palpitations
    • Frequent UTIs
    • Weight Gain
    • Low Libido
    • Headaches
    • Joint Pain
    • Dry Skin
    • Bladder Issues
    • Hair Loss

Contact us today for a comprehensive diagnostic assessment and personalized treatment plan.

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